Adil Baguirov Breaks Down Booming Jobs for Ohio Graduates

As the former president of the Dayton Board of Education, now business owner, Adil Baguirov has seen both sides of the spectrum when it comes to graduates and their prospects in the job market.

Through years of experience, Adil Baguirov has grown to understand that the economy ebbs and flows, meaning some college graduates enter a job market that is more favorable than others might find just a few years later.

When it comes to job creation and the economy of Ohio, Adil Baguirov keeps up with the latest trends and has recently come across one that bodes well for Buckeye State college grads. While some of the country is experiencing a decline in college graduates being hired right out of school, Ohio is actually thriving in that area and has certain jobs that are booming when it comes to hiring rate.

In the United States as a whole, employers are expected to hire 1.3 percent fewer graduates in 2018 than they did in 2017, according to a report from the National Association of Colleges and Employers. This would be the country’s first decline in this area since 2010.

According to the report, two factors that are believed to have led to this trend are a 33 percent decline in retail hires for college grads and a 42 percent decline in hiring by insurance firms because of the recent natural disasters that have been costly.

But Ohio is not one of the states that have been affected by this trend. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. According to Ryan Burgess, director of Gov. John Kasich’s office of workforce development, there are more than 150,000 positions posted on the Ohio Means Jobs website at the moment and half of them pay more than $50,000 a year.

“Job openings continue to be at all-time highs,” Burgess said in an interview with the Dayton Daily News. “I think the outlook is bright. When you look at the opportunities across the state, there are more than enough opportunities for recent grads to find a job.”

Some of the job fields that are being pursued by employers in Ohio the most include:

  • Staff nurses
  • Clinical support
  • Clerical support
  • Respiratory therapists
  • Physical therapists
  • Environmental services
  • Patient access
  • Pharmacy
  • Computer science

A prime example of how the job market in Ohio is currently thriving was shared with the Dayton Daily News by Cedarville University career services director, Jeff Reep.

Reep told the Dayton Daily News that a Cedarville student looking for a job in computer science and was offered a starting salary above $90,000. That student made a counter offer of $102,000 and the company granted his request.

While the job market isn’t booming everywhere in the United States, it certainly is in Ohio at the moment. Adil Baguirov looks forward to keeping up with this trend and many others in Ohio education and the state’s economy. Visit this Adil Baguirov blog again soon to learn more.